The Art Party was a great success!
I am beyond exhausted but
wanted you to see a few bits of it.
We had great Mexican food. wonderful music
by Mezcla Latina, and the Studio Sale was great.
It is always so nice seeing old friends, new friends,
wonderful and supportive collectors, and family too.
We celebrated our Nana's 86 birthday and
that was so special.
So, now I am in panning stages for the rest of the
year and am already working on events for 2019.
Oh, and one of my goals is to be more
consistent with my blogging.
The table set up.
We rented the tables and chairs.
I bought the black tablecloths so now I will
never run out of tablescloths!
They work well as display tablecloths too.
The food tables, drink tables, and yard set up.
Carlos Flores and his bandmates setting up the band.
Jillian Maresco, my friend, and manager for the sales.
She was swamped at various times!
After the first food run.
This sweet woman is my favorite hugger.
Judith, one of my loyal collectors.
Olinda, another of the sweetest mamas I know.
And she owns paintings!
After it calmed down.
My Nana, my hugger Glenda, and Michaela, her granddaughter.
The most beautiful and best tasting cake I've ever had.
Enjoying conversations
Nana dancing with her oldest.
Scenes from the party (the aspen painting sold)
Inside the studio before the party
The door from the studio into the house
Smaller panels and cradled gessobord pieces
Sweet little lamb!
These are just a few scenes from a wonderful day.
I'm thinking of ways to make it better next year.
Now, I have to go sleep.....