Visual Journey
Since I am almost done painting for my upcoming Sumner and Dene show,
I decided to take a quick (and much needed) getaway weekend to
my favorite place, Taos, New Mexico.
I took over 700 photos and am showcasing a few here:
The photo above is a view of one of the mesas between
Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
I believe this is called "walking rain," this happens when rain
drops out of the sky and looks like it is walking across the earth
It's really beautiful.
A dynamite view of the Rio Grande gorge.
I don't think I've ever gotten a photo with this much light.
This image will definitely become a painting!
I was on the lookout for light and I found it on the first day.
This is El Salto peak covered in golden aspens.
The foreground shows chamisa and other beautiful colors.
I spent about 20 minutes here and took at least 50 photos of this one scene.
The light changed so fast that some of the photos didn't even look like the same place.
We spotted two doe and an antlered buck on the road
where we turned into our house.
Beautiful and so graceful.
A nice fire awaited us at Orlando's,
my favorite Mexican food restaurant in Taos.
The next morning, I left the house very early,
to see if I could get some nice photographs.
I am not sure what this red is (sumac, maybe?),
but it was all over Taos.
A view of Taos mountain and the changing fall colors.
A view of the Arroyo Seco graveyard.
Decorated with flowers everywhere!
Cool sign coming into Arroyo Seco from Arroyo Hondo Road.
Village of Arroyo Seco in early light.
First stop - Abe's Cantina for breakfast burritos.
The old church in Arroyo Seco.
After Arroyo Seco, I ventured down into Valdez,
the little village on the way to Taos Ski Valley.
This was an old, old adobe building that is part of the Valdez land grant.
Lovely morning light hitting an old adobe.
Golden colors of fall on Rim Road
A spectacular old blue gate on Rim Road.
Won't this make a nice painting?
Golden trees on Rim Road
I took a lot of images of grasses, chamisa, and other ground
foliage. I'm thinking of painting a whole series of
large color field grass paintings.
The mountains and colors in Valdez
I know this is Virginia Creeper,
because it grows all over my yard!
I can't go through Arroyo Seco without capturing an image of
this iconic, cool, old mercantile truck.
Heading WAY across town,
I had to get at least one image of the wonderful
old Los Ranchos de Taos church.
It still had hollyhocks blooming around it.
Beautiful light.
Here is a winning combo -
an old blue gate and lots of Virgina Creeper.
I think this is actually an old screen door.
I made my way to the Taos Pueblo.
I didn't go inside - I just like to drive the road up there
and see what I see.
Here are beautiful fall golden colors.
Ponies along the road
A nice remembrance of someone...
This is the backyard of the house where I stayed.
I came to get away, de-stress, and clear my head.
And it worked.
The bees were buzzing around the Russian Sage and
Blue Mist Spirea and magpies were everywhere.
Speaking of magpies.
This is my best shot.
The blue of his feathers with the blue of the old door.
And the bell!
My old truck again with a red tree.
Hollyhocks on Ledoux Street.
They look awesome against the backdrop of this cobalt blue door.
I can't remember if this was Bent street or near the Blumenshein Museum.
Love Miguel Martinez women!
Okay, who has seen multi-coloredred chile?
I almost bought one of these.
So many different shades.
The old truck at the Overland Sheepskin Company.
It's been there as long as I can remember.
This horse was telling me to just chill and relax.
Life is good, he said.
Just a few of the unreal jewel colors that make up
Taos, New Mexico in the fall.
I came away inspired and with enough material to last quite a while.
I had taken my painting gear, but forgot gloves and a
carrier to put the finished painting into so I wouldn't get
paint on and in my car. Next time!
I love Taos and can't wait to go back....
Stay tuned for information on my solo exhibition
at Sumner and Dene Gallery on Friday, November 6, from 5-8pm
Also I will be posting information about "SOUP AND SANTA,"
my fundraiser for NMDOG this week.
Enjoy the fall!