Hi all,
I keep trying to get back to blogging but life just keeps on
interfering and dragging me away.
BUT, I am back and hope to post regularly.
We had our collaborative plein air show,
in October during the Corrales Harvest Festival.
Such a great group of women artists!
The booth was beautiful and the artwork was incredible.
We didn't make very many sales (small turnout, wrong kind of cutsomer, etc.),
but we had a great time and met a lot of wonderful people.
Here are a few of my plein air pieces from the show:
These paintings are available through my studio.
So, I spent a few days recuperating, deciding what
my next project might be.
I reorganized my studio.
I spent several days driving around Corrales, Algodones, and Bernalillo,
taking photos of the beautiful fall colors.
An example:
Beautiful, the village of Corrales!
So anyway, several life "things" came up
and the studio sat empty of life for a couple of weeks.
Then, when I was ready to work, BAM, it got colder.
The knob had broken off of my heater and I had to wait
until we got a new one and have my husband install it.
It just got installed day before yesterday so now I have HEAT!
I also have my Christmas music organized and ready to go.
SO, I am going to start work today on finishing
my roughly 60 150 Challenge paintings.
I have a feeling they are all going to be paintings of fall colors, lol.
I'm thinking about moving my SOUP TO SANTA event until
after the holiday madness has passed.
I guess I will have to call it something else.
I thought it might be nice to have an "end of winter" event
and celebrate the coming of spring.
We'll see.
I have several works at Weems Old Town Gallery
and Marigold Arts Gallery on Canyon Road in Santa Fe.
If you're ever in the area,
be sure to drop by and say hi to the gallery owners
and tell them I sent you!
This painting below is a 9x12" and was painted
while staying at a beautiful home in Taos, New Mexico.
oil on panel
I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving
and this is what I will be doing this week: