Monday, January 30, 2012


This is a rendition of the Rio Grande Gorge in Taos right as you are coming into that beautiful valley before you hit the town of Taos itself. I could paint this a million times and it would always look different. For purchase information, please click on the Paypal button below.

Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $75.00 plus $10.00 s/h Or, send me an email

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I went and painted outside in Placitas today. I left the house at about 3pm, which is kind of late, and I only got one painting done. I didn't even sketch, I just started painting. I'm not sure if I like it yet, I may play with it a little. I took lots of pictures - the landscape is not really that pretty yet, because it's still the middle of winter, but there were some nice lights and shadows. I will try another one from my photographs, take my time, and see if I can do better. Even though this isn't my favorite (yet), I still love the immediateness of doing the work. I was sitting on the tailgate of my car, and just sort of forgot where I was. Painting will do that to you....

Friday, January 27, 2012

I have two new 150 Challenge paintings done. Please click HERE to take a closer look.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The first 150 CHALLENGE painting!

For information about this painting and the 150 CHALLENGE, please click on the image above. 

Two commissions I just finished. These were such a pleasure to paint!
My work schedule is really piling up now. I am busy until Christmas with projects and shows. Which is really good. I just have to remember to try to keep everything in balance and get outside into the sun once in a while.
My studio is pretty organized and as soon as I'm done with this post, I'm going to work on the first 150 CHALLENGE painting and my daily painting for today. I have several commissions, a few gifts to complete and my first paint out of the new year with the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico is coming up this weekend. Oh, and I had marked the little sunflower painting below as sold, when it was actually another one that the customer wanted. So this painting is still available. If you love it, please email me and I will send you a Paypal invoice. $75 plus $10 shipping.

Monday, January 23, 2012


This is tonight's daily painting, a trio of sunflowers hidden in a canyon in the mountains. I have to admit, I LOVE these new Raymar premium primed linen panels. I love them so much that I have decided to use them for my 150 CHALLENGE show. So I'm ordering 8x8s and 8x10s tomorrow.  Because of that, the 150 CHALLENGE won't start for a few more days. I'm kind of glad, I need to do a bit more organizing on my subject matter. I'm also debating whether I'm going strictly palette knife or using big flat brushes. If I use just the knife, the paintings are definitely going to have more of an abstract look. Hmmm, still thinking about it. Anyway, stay tuned and if you would like to purchase this trio of sunflowers, please click on the Paypal button below for more information.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Black and White Show

Christiana and I in front of my black and white dahlia painting

 some work in the black and white show

 a black and white paper mache kitty

 my painting "SANDIA CLOUDS"

my painting "AWAKENING"

We went to the Black and White Show yesterday - it was beautiful. And so different. I loved the idea of a challenge show, something to think about beyond the norm. The show will be up for about a month, so please try to get by and see it.
Some of my new Raymar panels came in yesterday. These are the supports I will be using for my 150 CHALLENGE paintings. They are harboard linen panels and the surface is yummy. I can't wait to start painting on them.
I had ordered some frames and they also came yesterday. When I opened the box I realized I had ordered the wrong ones. I'm going to keep them anyway - I'm sure I'll use them -  and reorder the ones I want. I wanted  a silver speckle plein air frame for the 150 CHALLENGE Show and what I got was a gold speckle. Not the same at all. Okay, tonight is the first 150 painting, and I think I'm going to start off with sunflowers. Be watching!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

oil on canvas

I actually painted this painting last night. It's a colorful spring meadow rambling along a fenceline.
I spent most of the day today cleaning out four file cabinet drawers and one plastic bag - all full of papers.
Now I have two garbage bags of stuff to put outside in the trash. I'm so proud of myself! Of course, now I have to organize what's left.
Tomorrow I am headed to the Black and White show that opens at Weems Uptown Gallery. The gallery is located at Montgomery and Lousiana NE - I would love for you to drop by and check it out.
The 150 CHALLENGE SHOW paintings will begin tomorrow, after I get home. I have a feeling I'll be very inspired by the show.
Purchase information for the above painting may be found by clicking on the Paypal button below. 

Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $75.00 plus $10.00 s/h Or, send me an email

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Daily paintings are back!

oil on canvas

It's pretty exciting to be painting again on a regular basis! I think I had a bit of a painter's block for a while there after Artfest was over. I was just tired, burnt out, and needed a rest.
Now I have planned out a whole year's worth of shows and I am finally getting to work. This painting comes from an evening up in Taos. The sunset was gorgeous and what you see in the foreground is chamisa and other brush. 
For information on how to purchase this painting, please click on the Paypal button below.
I'm trying to get organized - I've ordered several different kinds of painting panels - some for daily paintings and some for other shows. I'll be experimenting to find the one I like best. I've also ordered two different frames for the upcoming 150 CHALLENGE show and I think I will post both of them and ask what you guys think.
Anyway, here we are again - and thanks for watching. On the pricing  - small 6x8 daily paintings will each be $75 with $10 shipping. 8x10 daily paintings will be $95 with $10 shipping..
The new 150 CHALLENGE blog 
is up and running!
 The web page is:

I made a photo book of all of my paintings from last year's 150 CHALLENGE SHOW.
Click on the link above above that says, "click here to view this photo book larger" and then you can view full screen. They aren't titled because I had had to finish the book by midnight tonight.
Anyway, I thought you might enjoy seeing them all. It's getting me inspired for the upcoming 150 CHALLENGE show coming up on June1, 2012!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

last black and white


The last in my series of paintings for the "BLACK AND WHITE" show that opens at Weems Uptown on January 21, 2012.
This one was pure fun!
I am experiencing some difficulties with posting on my blog - just a note, so if you don't hear from me for a day or so, know that we're working on it.
Tomorrow starts the first painting for the 150 CHALLENGE show that will open on June 1, 2012.
I am in the process of creating the blog for this show and will post the web address as soon as I can. I'm also working on a new website - still, just another server.

Black and White...almost









As you know, I am painting five paintings for Weems upcoming

BLACK AND WHITE show and what you see above is four of them.

When I learned about the whole black and white theme, I thought it was very cool and a challenge. They also said you could use one other color in the paintings but I didn't even think about that.

Well, when I started to drag my tube colors out for the palette, I realized that I don't even have a tube of black paint because I NEVER use it. I always mix it.

Usually from a combo of Ultramarine Blue and Alizarin Crimson or Prussian Blue and Asphaltum. So it was a challenge indeed. I also never pre-mix colors on my palette, so what you see is spur of the moment mixtures to make a series of values of grey. I see some green tones, some purple tones, and even some brown tones. But it all comes across as black and white.

I still have one left and it will also be 24x30."

All paintings will be framed with an antique gold crackle finish floater frame.

Delivery date is this Monday and the show opens this coming Saturday.

For prices, please email me.

Friday, January 13, 2012

new exhibition

One of my good collector/friends has organized an exhibition of some of my work at the Federal Building in downtown San Francisco. It looks awesome and I would like to thank him very much for putting this together.

This is a little table with my cards and bio materials.

It's cool to see these paintings, some of them I haven't seen for awhile. My friend has been collecting for about a few years now and I am so thankful for his support and friendship.

photos for inspiration - Weems upcoming Black and White Show

I am feeling a little better today - enough so that I swept my studio and semi-organized it for painting. I have a couple of paintings that are drying now (they've been done for almost two weeks) and are about to be shipped (thanks for being patient Tom, Kathryn, and Judith).

I have five paintings due at Weems in just a few days and being sick has really put me behind schedule. Today I looked through lots of my photos -looking for something that would inspire me to paint and also have nice contrast and look good in black and white. I came up with these five: my two dancers that were on my most recent postcard, clouds and mesa, a Native American dancer (thanks, Tom!), hollyhocks at Old Town, and an abstract photo I got from somewhere that I will turn into something else.

We'll see what happens!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

new beginnings...



Hello everyone!

I had totally planned to be working full time in the studio by now but have been held up by a bad cold for over nine days. I'm on the mend though, but I promised myself that if I'm not better by Thursday, I'm headed to the doctor.

The painting above is from a beautiful fall day in Taos. The sky was gorgeous, the aspens were at their absolute peak, and the colors in the middle ground were some kind of shrub that was turning a violet grey - not sure about the species but very beautiful. The foreground was a mixture of cat tails, thistle, some dead sunflowers, and lots of grasses. You may view purchase information by clicking on the Paypal button below.

Buy this painting on PayPal
Price: $99.00 plus $10.00 s/h
Or, send me an email

Check back in tonight because I will be posting news about upcoming plans for 2012 and it's going to be a blast!

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

studio clean out




This is a really nice painting and I love it - BUT, the top of the canvas is just a bit off and it fits into one of the floater frames but ends up looking just the tiniest bit crooked. It would need to be hung in a regular frame where the painting is behind the frame, not in front of it.

This painting normally would sell for $300, but you can steal it away by clicking on the Paypal information below.

studio clean-out




Happy New Year!

I have news about the new upcoming Challenge to report but not yet.

I am sick - I tried to keep from catching whatever my family had, but I caught it anyway. So I'm just laying low and trying to feel better. I'm still planning though, so stay tuned.

The painting above is something I painted right before Christmas. I was working on two pieces for a client and she chose the other as a gift for someone else. It's 12x9", painted on refular canvas, and unframed. It's a little larger than my usual daily paintings. For purchase information, please click on thePaypal link below.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy NewYear!

This lovely shot is a photo from Bosque Del Apache, a beautiful wildlife refuge just a few miles past Socorro, New Mexico - the day trip was wonderful and I took 304 photos.

I would like to wish you all Happy New Year - my family, my friends, my collectors, my artist acquaintances and hope you all have a fantastic 2012. It is now 11:42pm and I am trying to stay awake until midnight.

I am gearing up for starting work again next week and have lots of plans and ideasin store for the coming year. Get ready for a new Challenge too! So hang in there, enjoy the present moment, and my quote to start off 2012 is "Life should be easy." Love to you all...