STILL AT IT!Today is Monday.
Artfest set-up is all day Thursday.
I'm finishing up all paintings today, tomorrow, and possibly early Wednesday morning. Then I will gather all of my show paraphanalia; rugs, lighting, signs, tables, chairs, drill, screws, and the million other little things that go along with doing the show. I will also make an inventory list, cards to put alongside each painting, and do a few last minute things. I always forget something. Oh, and I have to take a huge painting to be photographed, pick up some others that have already been photographed, hook and wire those, and take three small pieces to the framers to be framed. I'm sure there's something else. I just can't remember what!
Wish me luck and for all of you who live in the immediate area - please come and visit me, I really enjoy seeing everyone and it's such a treat after all of the work I do.
Artfest is:
Friday, November 9, 10am-9pm (7-9pm is 25 cents admission!)
Saturday, November 10, 10am-6pm
Sunday, november 11, 10am-5pm.
I think I'm doing a painting demonstration on Saturday.
Thank you all for your support and emails!!!