This morning I woke up early and had
to be somewhere around 10am, so I
thought I would head over to the Los Ranchos
grower's market.
This market is where I sold my very first ornament
and my very first painting.
I think the painting was an 11x14" and I
sold it to my neighbor for $35.
I can't even remember which ornaments I sold,
I was just so happy that actual people were
interested in what I made!
So when I went to the market today,
I was really going to see my good friend Jillian.
She and her husband Kerry have been gardening like crazy
and have the BEST tomatoes.
It was Flower Days at the market and
there were a of cut flowers.
sunflowers and plums
look at all of those yummy vegetables!
onions galore
look at the beautiful gladiolas!
a tub of sunflowers
I think this is a lovely photo
Jerusalem artichoke blooms. Who knew?
My friend Jillian and her husband Kerry.
I bought $8 worth of tomatoes and ate three before I got home.
They sold out of everything!
beautiful still life of sunflowers
little bouquets
After I left the market, I went by Los Poblanos.
The sunflowers were blooming right beside the road.
look at those puffy little clouds
more suns
a peach tree ready for harvest
Cosmos are still in bloom.
The yarrow is spent.
my favorite giraffe
The ditch banks are starting to change color
lilly pads
Can someone tell me what this is?
It looks like sweet peas but I know it's not.
Daylilies are in bloom!
Roses and bachelor buttons are still blooming.
Trumpet vine
My favorite photo of the day.
The softness of the sunflower leaves and the mountains.
I may paint this tomorrow.
another nice scene
The house with all of the phlox and cannas.
So pretty!
The fields are planted!
I think there's corn and chile.
two horses enjoying the grass
trumpet vine shadows
more trumpet vine shadows
the old Corrales church.
An up-close look at what is in the adobe.
Mud, rocks, straw.
So cool.
window view
After photographing the church,
I headed back towards home.
It was already getting hot and
I needed to prep a bunch of panels.
All in all, a great day!
What did you do today?