Monday, December 03, 2012

nice weekend

 This is what my studio looked like Friday. 
We cleaned a bit of our garage and lots of stuff came into my studio, 
most of it you can see here.
I should be cleaning and painting. BUT.
The weather is so pretty and there's the Los Ranchos Holiday Shop and Stroll this weekend, sooo...I'm going antiquing!

This is the tree at the end of my backyard.
I took this photo a couple of weeks ago and the colors were so gorgeous.

This is how the tree looks now.
All of the bright gold is gone and now there's just a dull, dusty gold.

 This is one of two crabapple trees in my backyard.
I have never ever seen them so full of berries.
We have been inundated with birds of all kinds.
Not surprising, since I have eight birdfeeders around the yard.
I thought this was a female robin, but am not sure.

  Isn't she cute?

Beautiful voices at Kelly Jo Ceramics for the Holiday Stroll.

 This little tiny house was at the back of one of the antique stores.
It has a Spanish style roof, a wood stove pipe, shutters on the windows and is probably 4ft.x 5ft.
Perfect studio size, lol.
I could put wheels on it and just move it around in my yard whenever I wanted some sunshine.

 This was one of my purchases - a complete book of Vincent Van Gogh's self portraits.
Complete with historical faces about where there were painted 
and what was going on in his life at the time.
20% off and score!

 This was one of my favorite finds of the day.
Actually my cousin spotted it as soon as we walked in the antique store.
A cross made out of some kind of local wood  with the bark still on it.
I love the shape.
The cross and flowers are made out of some very heavy metal.
This was $38 and 30% off because it was "wall art."
It will join the others in my cross collection.

 This is the most unusual nativity I've ever seen.
A wind chime!
It is so pretty, everything is made out of clay.
I will hang it next to my Christmas tree.
This was $20 and 20% off and I just happened to see it hanging in
a little room at the back of the Antique Co-op on 4th Street NW.

 A beautiful view of the Sandia mountains and some people seeing if the red chile is still good.
This will be a painting soon.
Love the blue of the mountains and the color of the fields.

A few cranes - maybe Sandhill - in a field near the Rio Grande Nature Center.

Okay, there you have it - my weekend.
Now it's back to cleaning, painting, working, exercising, and getting ready for Christmas.
If you're so inclined, check out my weight loss blog, "Dee's 365 Days."


  1. Hi Dee, some of those pics look very paintable to me. My fav is the little shack. I need to send you my last painting. Of course I did several. ready for the next challenge image!

  2. I will post the new image tomorrow!
