Hi everyone,
I don't know where the time has gone, but it is almost spring.
I've been busy but not blogging as much as usual.
And that's sad, because blogging is one of my favorite things to do.
So, I am catching up here today.
I just finished my taxes and what does an artist
do after she finishes her taxes?
She takes a drive to Corrales, of course.
It is still technically winter
but I found a couple of signs of spring.
Or things that made me think of spring.
I had no idea that in some places,
the forsythia is already blooming!
And this this beautiful wall with the cool mailbox and sun shadows
is right around the corner from me.
Check out the hubcap mailbox stand.
A view of my favorite cornfield is below.
This cornfield and I have a history.
And what made me very sad today is that
it has a FOR SALE sign on it.
The sign says that 12 acres are for sale.
I can just picture a big developer coming in and
creating an urban-looking subdivision.
I want my cornfield.
I photograph and paint this field in every season:
Plowing time
Red chile time
Corn growing time
Early morning time
Duck time
Crane time
I have even painted this field a few times
One of my favorites
I guess you can't stop progress.
BUT - I can't imagine losing all of those sunflowers,
morning glories, cranes, ducks, and harvests.
BUT - I can't imagine losing all of those sunflowers,
morning glories, cranes, ducks, and harvests.
I hope they grow corn this year.
If they do, I'm going to take photographs every day
and paint it at least ten times.
Meanwhile, I came across a couple
of cool bike photos:
I've also been busy painting:
And these are from Taos.
These paintings make me think of spring
and plein air painting.
And Taos!
Going back as soon as the blossoms are out!
I've also been painting for my facebook group:
I didn't care for the composition in this one,
so I painted another:
The concept is I post a photo of somewhere or something
in New Mexico and a group of artists from all over the
US and Canada paint their version of it.
It's such fun and it's so cool to see how the
artists interpret the photo.
You can check out the LPNM blog at the end of this post.
And boy, do I want spring to come soon.
We didn't really have much of a winter,
but spring is my thing!
Day trips, paint outs, and green things!!
I will write more tomorrow.
To see the LPNM blog, CLICK HERE.
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