Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is Artfest painting #81 - I have also finished #82 and #83. I will be posting #82 tonight and #83, well, I have run into a problem and it is my own fault. I always try to move my paintings away from each other when I'm working but sometimes I forget. I had finished the painting, varnishing and everything when I noticed it had two little spots of red from another piece I was working on. I sanded it just a touch and reapplied sky color over the red. Then I let everything dry. When I went to revarnish, the new sky color started smearing and ruined the whole sky. So now I really have to do a mjor sanding and reworking repair on it. Not my favorite thing to do when I am in the painting "zone." Oh well, maybe I'll learn one of these days!

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