To me, cleaning my studio is like cleaning and clearing my mind.
Getting ready to start something new and fresh.
Here are a few photos of my studio in the throes of messiness:
Things are kind of a disaster in the studio right now - I just got a big order of paints in,
you can see them on the counter, some boxes are opened, some are not.
There are papers everywhere, boxes on the floor, my photos are unorganized.
I'm not looking forward to this.
No, that's a lie.
I am looking forward to this.
Because once it's done, I will be able to just sit and focus
and think about the upcoming 145 day Challenge.
What subjects am I going to paint?
What day trips do I want to take?
Are people going to be interested?
What kind of yummy food am I going to serve for the meal
at the end of the Challenge?
Hmm, that will take some heavy-duty thinking....
Hmm, that will take some heavy-duty thinking....
A close up of my new oil paints - Gamblin of course.
The only kind I use except for Old Holland's Violet Grey and Winsor Newton's Permanent Rose.
You can also see the containers of Gamsol, Gamblin's odorless mineral spirits.
Couldn't live without that stuff.
And on the floor, is my small carry tray thingy filled with
all of my plein air supplies.
When I'm ready to go, I just grab it, a chair, an umbrella,
and I can be off.
And on the floor, is my small carry tray thingy filled with
all of my plein air supplies.
When I'm ready to go, I just grab it, a chair, an umbrella,
and I can be off.
This is a shot of my ornaments in baskets on the floor that I keep saying
I'm going to paint and never seem to actually find the time to do.
Maybe one of these days.
You can also see the small easels I use for daily painting
(I have three of those and eight other easels).
Then, there are the boxes of Wipees I use to clean EVERYTHING, the purple latex gloves,
and the Kleenix (although any brand will do) that I use for wiping my brushes when painting.
And the mess of paper I always have laying about.
Aah, better.
The panels are organized, the brushes are laid out.
The two large red canvases are going to be skyscapes for an
upcoming show at Weems Uptown gallery.
My roll-around cart of photos for subjects is basically straight.
I'm just waiting for 132 panels to come in and
145 custom ordered antique silver speckle plein air frames.
My car is ready, I will be on the road soon.
Paints are all organized and set up from light to dark.
One more view of my clean studio.
Sometime during the Challenge, I'm going to paint it a beautiful grey-green.
This is my ever-faithful cd cabinet.
It doesn't close all the way, so I have a hair tie looped around the two knobs.
The cabinet is packed with cds inside.
I don't think I will ever have a shortage of music.
Also, my Wolf Kahn calender for inspiration.
I think I'm almost ready.....
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