Friday, February 28, 2014

starts tomorrow!!

This is the new postcard for my RETRO CHALLENGE 2014 that starts tomorrow!
I think it's beautiful.
It has a vintage New Mexico sunset as the background and some of my favorite
acrylic/ink paintings, along with a pic of yours truly.

Okay, so here's the deal.
Tomorrow, I start painting.
As soon as the paintings are done, I will post them here and on the new blogsite, which is:

I will be painting 150 small, 25 large, and 50 hand-painted ornaments.

The show will actually open at Weems Gallery on Friday, September 26, 2014.

Between now and then - if you see a painting you want to buy:

1. Write down the title and the number.
2. Have your payment information ready.
3. Call Weems at 505-293-6133 or Dee at 505-792-1030. 
4. Or email Weems at or Dee at
5. Tell them you are calling about Dee's Retro Challenge 2014.
6. Give them your information.


7.On opening night, if no one else wants to purchase the paintings you choose,
 you get to buy them for $150 each.
8.If two or more people want the same painting, we draw a name out of a hat!
The person whose name is drawn gets the painting for $150.
Most people have second and third choices, just in case.

Once all the multiple paintings are sold, 
you may walk up and remove your painting from the wall and make your purchase.
For people not present, we will notify you and ship your painting.

That's it - it's pretty simple, really.
We're having a big party on opening night with an artist's reception from 5-6pm.
You can enjoy great music, food, refreshments, visit with me, 
and preview the paintings all in one location! 
That will be 175 paintings, all in one huge gallery room.
The show and sale will begin promptly at 6:30pm.

Larger paintings and ornaments will be priced accordingly and posted on both sites. 

I will be painting landscapes, florals, churches, figures, 
canyon women, sunflowers,and much more. 
This will be your last chance to buy old-school lined work.

So I hope you will all watch and support me as I begin this new challenge.

I'm ready!! 

If you have any questions, just drop me and email or give me a call.



  1. Fabulous DEE! love the sound of this so much..Best to you with the energy of a spring seedling~~!

  2. Thanks Candy - I'm sure I'll be ready for my oils at the end of this challenge!
