I finished the piece for the Art has Heart Foundation (www.arthasheart.org) and had it framed. I also worked on a new painting for my upcoming show. You can see pics below. One thing I did not get done was CLEAN MY STUDIO. Ugh. I guess I'm putting it off as long as possible. Tomorrow I am getting a new easel! I've been paying on my easel for 5 months now. I can finally paint HUGE works without having to put them on the floor. I have to seriously sit down tomorrrow and plan for the June show. I organize on the wall with post-its full of canvas sizes and subject matter. Sizes range from 8x10 to 48x60 and subjects include sunflowers, landscapes, canyon women, wild gardens and much more. It's always fun to do this part - much harder to actually complete the work! I always think about doing prints or notecards, in addition to originals, but never seem to have the time. I have four commissions to complete within this time frame and will work on those for the next couple of weeks. I would like to go to the local nursery and buy a few tomato plants too, maybe I'll put that on the list for tomorrow. I think the hardest thing about being an artist is finding balance within work, family, health, friends, etc. There just never seems to be enough time and your art just sort of becomes your life. It's solitary and an artist needs that time alone to think and dream about future work. Do any of you artists out there have the same dilemma?
WOW! You sound busy! I always enjoy reading the daily process that others go through - helps me feel like I'm not alone in my corner (messy corner) of the world.