Monday, October 08, 2007


My cousin and I got up early this past Saturday morning for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. It takes place about a mile from my house and is so close I can hear the National Anthem each day. We followed the balloons to Corrales, about 5 minutes away and spotted all of these balloons. Of course you can't photograph all of them, this was only a small portion. Only 350 balloons went up that day due to winds. There are 700 balloons in all. I think we're going to a special shapes "Glodeo" on Thursday night. That's where all of the shape balloons (Darth Vader, Bumblebees, chile ristras, haunted house, stage coach, etc.) stay on the ground at the balloon field and light up. There's music, entertainment, a fireworks show, and great food. The sight is absolutely amazing and if we go, I'll post pictures.
I'm still painting like crazy, coming along though. I'll post a new one tonight. Have a great week!

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