Tuesday, February 01, 2011

almost ready...

I know it's been a few days since I posted. I've had a good excuse! I've been finishing up an 18"x24" commission (I'll post a photo tomorrow), and cleaning my studio. It's weird, but once I started working on the 150 Challenge, I had a little nagging feeling in the back of my brain that I wasn't quite ready. I didn't know why. But I knew I wanted to CLEAN. So, I cleaned out my bedroom closet first. I got rid of 7 boxes of vhs exercise videos and movies. I got rid of 8 boxes of books. Man, that's a lot of boxes! I cleaned out some drawers. I cleaned out my cookbook cabinet. And today, I just started in on the studio. I wasn't exactly sure what I needed to do - I just knew something wasn't RIGHT. I started first with my acrylic paints. I had 11 bins of acrylic - just too much. I cut it down to one bin, with just one or two of each of the 18 colors I use. Then I moved on to the art books - some of them I've had since my girls were small, even before I knew I was going to become a painter. I got rid of four boxes of art books!
I condensed my acrylic painting area and expanded my oil painting area. Now I have two tabletop easels for my oils and one for acrylic. I got all of my paperwork in one spot so I can start organizing for tax season. I NEVER can seem to get that right - always playing catch-up. I also put all of my bins with my reference photos on a roll-around cart so I can move them around and locate them easier. I still have about ten photo organizer boxes to organize. They hold all of my postcards, mailing lists, hooks, wire, etc., everything that's too small to really have its own spot. I hope that I am completely done by tomorrow.
Oh, and yesterday I did about five hours of yardwork. It was SO pretty and we're supposed to have a couple of days of bad weather - the high on wednesday is only 15 degrees!! I trimmed bushes, raked underneath trees, cleaned a flower bed, and got rid of some junk we didn't need in the yard. We also just had some guys come and remove nine tree stumps a couple of days ago, so I hope to have a beautiful yard this year. And a GARDEN!
Tomorrow I am also starting my eating plan again. A modified version of Weight Watchers. I don't like the new points system (too complicated), so I am doing my own thing. And I'm still exercising almost every day. I feel very much in balance right now. Bring on the 150 Challenge!!
Oh, and the photo above is from a feature article in SU CASA magazine (I can't remember the issue #). It's an architect's home here in NM and she has one of my large paintings in her beautiful dining room. I think it's beautiful....


  1. Your painting looks so awesome in this room! And kudos to you with the clearing out and updated diet plan. Dee's Way is the way that will work.

  2. Sarah,
    You got that right. It's my way or the highway!!
    Also, I love reading all your facebook comments on your life and work!And your mad painting purchases...
