photo trip to Casa Rodena
Okay, so we had a paint out at the Casa Rodena Winery on Monday and I knew I didn't want to actually paint, but I wanted to go and shoot some photos for Future paintings. I did take some photos of the winery and saw about eight or nine fellow painters out there, but most of my photos were of other places, to be honest. It was fun - I could go out every day and spend all my time doing nothing but looking for unique and cool photo opportunities. The photo above is at Los Poblanos - a working farm, store, lavender fields, gardens, inn and cultural center right in the heart of the north valley. Such a cool view - the mountains in the background, masses of wild sunflowers on the far left, cosmos in the foreground, and lavender and vegetable rows in between.
This was a Mr. sheep with his flock out in a field on Rio Grande. He kept jumping up in the tree and biting off leaves. I think it was one of those elm trees that crop up everywhere, and he must've liked it because I could've taken a hundred photos of him doing this. Finally he got tired and meandered his flock back towards the house.
Love the photo's - I see future paintings from these for sure.