Friday, January 18, 2013

sunflowers...almost complete

I am almost finished!
I've been working on this commission for some time now.
The collectors haven't really been in a hurry, so you know me - 
I wait until I have just enough time and then I get inspired and work nonstop.
This one will be framed in an antique gold speckle floater frame.

Close up of sunflower detail.

On another note....

Those of you that know me know that there's a field and a house that I like to photograph
and paint through the seasons. It's called Alamo Farms and it's right by my gym. 
So I went to photograph it day before yesterday and when I pulled into the parking lot, 
this is what greeted me - about 150 to 200 cranes. 
I think they might be sandhill, but I'm not sure. 
Maybe someone knows?

 They were just moseying around, eating from the field.
In the background you can still see leftover snow from a few days ago.

 They didn't seem to be too bothered when I moved my car slowly, trying to get good photos. 
This one did give me the evil eye.

 Aren't these guys just beautiful?
The remind me of flamingos.
They were very hungry...

 On my way home, I usually go what I call the "back way" or "scenic way" home.
It's a slow drive through the little neighborhood to the southwest of me.
I spotted these cats in a window, and thank goodness I had my camera with me.
I screeched on my brakes and found a spot to turn around in.
It has been so cold here, and I think they were snuggled, just trying to get warm.
Love the light and the face of the cat on the left.
I was shooting through a fence, so you can see the shadow of the links on their fur.
I wonder if the big one is a momma cat?

And on one more note....
 This is how my kitchen looked day before yesterday.
The sheetrocking is done.
The holes and gaps are being filled in.

 They are putting new saltillo tiles in the space where there is concrete in order to 
have the floor be on the same level and have the cabinets fit properly.
I think our previous owners put in the floor around the cabinets.
It's getting there.

 This is what I call the woodstove area.
Right now it's kind of a catchall for everything - tools, plugins, etc.
You can see the door to my studio off to the left.
I don't know if you can see it, bu tthere's a sign behind the stove
that says,"BEWARE, MEAN WIFE."
That's me.
Yep, bought it for myself. Beat my husband to it.

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