Friday, April 11, 2008


This old adobe with such a beautiful door is at the village of Cerrillos, New Mexico. I am gathering ideas of what I'd like to paint for my summer show and I love this photo. I haven't figured out what's on top of the house, bottles, colorful glass bottles, maybe? That's my car you see in the reflection. Obviously, I will leave that out of the painting and maybe add some hollyhocks and colorful flowers. I should have a new painting tomorrow night.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Hi Dee, The glass on top of the wall appear to be the old glass insulators that they used to use on power lines. Some were clear and others had that greenish turquoise color to them. A bit hard to tell, but the shape looks like those to me. The color looks exactly right though. I have a bunch of the turquoise ones that my father had "collected." You can find them in junk and antique stores these days.


  2. You know, now that you mention it, I think I've seen some of those myself at antique store and always wondered what they were! I'm not sure they'll make it into my painting though.

  3. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Dee, With or without the insulators, I know your painting will be great. Can't wait to see it. This wall and door with some of your flowers to liven it up will be very nice. Tom

  4. Tom,
    I know, I think I will paint a nice large version of it and really showcase the flowers.
