Wednesday, May 13, 2015

sunday getaway

oil on panel

Not a garden in the traditional sense, but in Arroyo Seco - nothing is traditional!
Love this old truck, with the Taos mountains in the background.

oil on panel

Just finished the iris garden - it was a labor of love and took forever.

These two paintings are the last completed for the upcoming Sumner and Dene Garden Show.
For details, click here.

 Last Sunday, I just really, really needed to get out.
I had been sick with a cold, was feeling better,
and had a bit of cabin fever.
I wanted to go somewhere, but not somewhere FAR.
So I chose Old Town and along Rio Grande Blvd.

As I was driving in my neighborhood,
  I passed by the house above that has been stripped down to its bare bones.
The structure that you see here is the all adobe framework built years ago.

My artist friend's mom lived in this house.
She passed away and they sold it to an architect.
I can't wait to see what he does with it.

 As I continued on toward Old Town,
I drove through some old neighborhoods with the cutest houses.
Beautiful landscaping, cute porches, etc., 
I would love to live in one of these houses.
And the flowers!

 I went for hollyhocks, and they weren't really in full bloom yet.
But the Jupiter's Beard! And the poppies!

 Aren't these gorgeous?
I see a painting here.

 In this one, I am more attracted to the negative space
in the background, and the light floating in and out.

 My favorite old truck near the Rio Grande Nature Center.

 Bachelor Buttons - wow, what a beautiful meadow arrangement!
Blues, purples, and pinks....

 Purple iris next to a river rock stream bed.

 A home in Dietz Farm on Rio Grande has a cool old truck collection.
This one lost his nose.

 As I meandered through Los Poblanos Inn and Cultural Center,
I came across these delicate blossoms. 
Can anyone tell me what they are?

 Beautiful peony buds.

 A young vineyard with the Sandia mountains in the background.

 Cool old Dodge truck.
Just driving down the road.
Is this candy apple red?

As I came back home,
I stopped to photograph this little acequia.
It feeds a lot of little properties near my house.

In fact, it is right across the street from the 
little adobe that has been torn down and 
will probably feed the yard of the new owners too.
The circle of life. 
I came home refreshed and ready to begin again.


I have started a facebok group page:
Dee's 365 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
Anyone can join in for support, ancouragement, to hang out, 
to offer tips, send in photographs of yourself, your food, etc.
No judgement.
Join me on my quest to lose weight and get healthy!
Just go to facebook, type 
Dee's 365 Day Weight Loss Challenge
and ask to join.


  1. OK...A+++++ for the most interesting blog of the year, not just yours, but all blogs everywhere.

    Your finished painting is greatly improved. I can't wait to see your work at the Sumner Dene show. I will definitely be there.

  2. Carol, thanks - I wish I had more time to blog. Sometimes i feel like I really don't do it justice, but it is nice hearing feedback and seeing where I've been and how far I've come!
    And I am excited for the show too...
