This is my first entry for the upcoming show at The national Hispanic Cultural Center.
I don't have a title yet, but my working title is "VERBS." The Canyon Woman at the bottom are holding up an earth (actually THE earth, and all around the edge I've listed verbs that describe for me, the things that women do throughout their lives for us all. They include words like; creating, nurturing, listening, dancing, teaching, etc. And the women and earth are surrounded by flowers, most of us women bloom where we're planted, so I think flowers are a cool analogy. If anyone can come up with a more appropriate title, email me....I think this painting would make a really cool poster. For something, I don't know what!
This is my second entry. People seem to have really like my dancers and I don't really know what they have to do with creativity except that they are dancers, and dancers definitely have to be creative. When I think of dancers like this, I also think of flowers. Mexican flowers, flowers in their hair, people throwing flowers when their performances are done, etc. These two paintings were really fun to do, and a nice little break from the daily and the challenge paintings. They are both for sale, please email me for purchase information. I have boxed up challenge paintings 109 through 150, I am running out of room in the studio! I continue on Monday....
The paintings are wonderful and the concept for verbs is amazing - I love it.