This painting is from one of the photos I took on my day trip to Jemez recently. We were at a beautiful family owned combination gallery and herbal cosmetics establishment. The view I took was from the parking lot. There was a an L-shaped adobe sitting up against the mountain surrounded by vegetation and trees and I knew it would make a nice painting. I included the photo below for you to see. In the original, the house is very similar in color to the mountains and the dirt, so I had to make a few adjustments for color and composition. Purchase information is below the original photo:

really like when you show the inspiration photo with the final painting...haven't purchased a painting yet, but only because others always get to the ones I like before I do! I had a list of 6 of the 150 that I wanted, but they were all purchased the first night! Just wanted you to know that enjoy your blog...all the way from Washington, DC