Tuesday, June 09, 2015

come see the paintings - two days only!


The garden Tour is over.
And man, it was a blast!
A few scenes:

 Here I am painting in Garden #6.
No trees on this property, but lots of cool flowers, pathways, and sculptures.
I am using a new box and I really likes it.
It's called a Z Box and it worked just fine for me.
Paints "worms" on the two sides and the inside tray for mixing.

 This was the scene I chose to paint.
Blanketflowers intermixed with purple.

 My initial block in.
I was not thrilled with the outcome of this painting, which is why I'm not showing it here.
The sun was in my eyes and partially on my canvas.
Not a good scenario.

8x10" oil on panel

8x8" oil on panel

10x8" oil on panel

8x10" oil on panel
I found out that this beautiful pink/purple flower is called Sand Penstemon.
Gotta get me some....

 Okay, this is not art - 
But it really is art.
Look at the creativeness!

 Private reception at the old church yesterday.
This is a view of some of the paintings of the old church.

 Closer view.

 Our wonderful guitarist.
He played a lovely variety of music - 
my favorite being Norwegian Wood by the Beatles.

 Paintings of the Corrales Winery.

 Winery paintings.

 Posters for the Garden Tour.
My friend Carol Hopper is the artist.

 These are two of Carol's beautiful garden paintings.

 The thick adobe walls of the Corrales church.

 Beautiful painting of one of the gardens.

 Garden #2 paintings

 My painting of Garden #1 in the upper left hand corner.

 Different view of exhibition

 Beautiful old beams of the Corrales church.

 Sitting at the table - our fearless leader, Sue Winstead.
I have never met a nicer, more welcoming, professional, and so effective, leader.
Thanks Sue!
At left is artist Carol Hopper.

 Another view of exhibition.

 My painting "THE POND" on the lower left.

 Beautiful thick-walled window with stained glass.

is open to the public today (Tuesday), from 10-2pm.
Tomorrow (Wednesday), is the last day and the exhibition will be open
from 10am - 5pm.
Come by and see these beautiful paintings 
and gorgeous old church!