Monday, June 01, 2015

Garden Two


I checked out Garden Number Tour on the 
Corrales Garden Tour coming up this weekend.
Beautiful grounds - it looks like a big park under the tall cottonwoods.

I was not so sure about the names of some of the flowers.
This is not a garden that I am painting at, 
so I just admired the flowers for their beauty.

 I do know iris!
These were beautiful shades of purple with yellow yarrow in the background.

 Close up of a soft purple iris

 A cool rose that was different shades of orange, pink, and yellow!
I want one of these in my yard!

 These look like coreopsis, but maybe a double variety.
Keep deadheading these and they will come back all summer.

 Hmm, what are these?
Kimd of look like gladiolas but I know they're not.

 Had to pass by the ditchbank and the old sign.
I love to paint this scene, especially in the fall.

 I took a few more photos of the old church. 
I will have three church paintings to exhibit along with my garden paintings.

A view of the cemetary in Corrales.
More about the paint-out tomorrow.
I have four more gardens to see!

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