Sunday, January 29, 2012


I went and painted outside in Placitas today. I left the house at about 3pm, which is kind of late, and I only got one painting done. I didn't even sketch, I just started painting. I'm not sure if I like it yet, I may play with it a little. I took lots of pictures - the landscape is not really that pretty yet, because it's still the middle of winter, but there were some nice lights and shadows. I will try another one from my photographs, take my time, and see if I can do better. Even though this isn't my favorite (yet), I still love the immediateness of doing the work. I was sitting on the tailgate of my car, and just sort of forgot where I was. Painting will do that to you....


  1. I like it - I can't wait to see its twin to see the difference.

  2. Cara,
    I'm sorry to say, I scraped off the whole foreground. We'll see what happens!
