Tuesday, May 24, 2011

11 Days Left!

Good morning! I have two new 150 Challenge paintings for you to preview.

I'm getting down to the wire now and am working furiously to finish them all on time for the show. The last two or three paintings will probably still be wet.

For those of you who want to know how the 150 CHALLENGE SHOW works:

We will deliver the paintings to the gallery a few days before the show opens. They will spend two days hanging all 150 of them and you can probably go down to Weems in Old Town and preview all of the paintings starting late Thursday and all day Friday.

I will probably head down there too if I can - I'm so anxious to see them all up on the wall.

You have no idea, these are like my children and it's like looking at old photographs and remembering.

When I see #150, the very first painting I did, I'm going to remember starting the Challenge and how scared I was about the prospect of painting so many oil paintings and how much I actually love them all now. I'm going to pick out my favorites and see if they're still really my favorites! Who knows, I may have new ones.

Friday evening, we will come in early and set up a table or two, bring all the goodies, have a little music, and just enjoy the show.


1. Pick your favorites by title and numer

2. Call the gallery at 505-764-0302

3. Give them your information and preferences.

4. If no one else chooses your paintings, you may purchase them for $150 each

5. If two or more people choose the same painting, we will draw a name during the show and that person gets their painting.

6. You may then choose another if you like.

7. When all of the paintings with two or more prospective buyers are sold, then everyone may go and remove their painting choices from the wall and purchase them for $150 each.

8, If you favorite painting does get sold, talk to me about a commission

I invite you all come down to preview the show and I hope you get as excited about seeing all 150 paintings up on the Weem's wall as I'm sure I will!

To view the two new 150 CHALLENGE paintings:

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